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...passionate about Reportage, Portraiture and Video Making


Capturing emotions, feelings, being there and documenting why people do what they are doing pushing the limits, is my goal in the Sport Reportage.

Being a Snowboarder and a Mountain Lover myself, I love being out there with a reflex in my hand doing what i love to do, shooting and surfing the mountains.

Sport Reportage Photography

Surfing the mountains. French Alps. ENRICO BIGA photography

Sport Reportage Photography

Surfing the mountains. Italian Alps. ENRICO BIGA photography

Sport Reportage Photography

Surfing the mountains. Italian Alps. ENRICO BIGA photography

Sport Reportage Photography

Surfing the mountains. Italian Alps. ENRICO BIGA photography

Sport Reportage Photography

Surfing the mountains. Italian Alps. ENRICO BIGA photography

Sport Reportage Photography

Surfing the mountains. Italian Alps. ENRICO BIGA photography

Sport Reportage Photography

Surfing the mountains. French Alps. ENRICO BIGA photography

Sport Reportage Photography

Surfing the mountains. Italian Alps. ENRICO BIGA photography

Sport Reportage Photography

Surfing the mountains. French Alps. ENRICO BIGA photography

Sport Reportage Photography

Surfing the mountains. Italian Alps. ENRICO BIGA photography

© 2024 ENRICO BIGA photography all rights reserved.
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