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Fotografia Professionale d'Architettura e d'Interni


Real Estate Pro Photography, complete personalised packages of Photography, Floor Plans and Video

Price List

Economy Packages


These packages are exclusively for Estate Agents. 

They are composed of a convenient fixed presentation of up to 12 photographs and floor plan.

The price vary according the dimension of the property as it become more time consuming specially due the floor plan needs.

To simplify and let you know the final price without knowing the exact square footage of the property, I made three categories: up to 1 Bedroom, between 2 and 3 Bedrooms and 4 to 5 Bedrooms. I also add a Photos Only optional package:


12 Photos Only, £90 (45 minutes)

12 Photos + Floor Plan 1 Bedroom, £105 (1 hour and 15 minutes)

12 Photos + Floor Plan 2-3 Bedrooms, £135 (1 hour and 45 minutes)

12 Photos + Floor Plan 4-5 Bedrooms, £165 (2 hours and 30 minutes)


All the images are delivered retouched at both High and Low resolution for printed materials and web, and they will be ready to be downloaded trough the Client Area of the website.

Both Images and floor plan, are delivered within 24 hours from the shoot.

There will be no extra charge if the exterior shot needs to be done again in future in case it was raining on the day of the shoot, although blue sky will be added in post production for the temporary provisional shot. 


Every extra photos on top of the 12 included in the package, will be charged at 10 pounds each.


Premium Packages


Those packages are thought for Hotel Managers, Architects and Interior Designers.

I offer an half day and full day service which might also include night/evening shots.


Compare to the Economy package, there is more time spent both in the shoot as in the post production to achieve a certain result.

Most of the images created, are the result of multiple exposures and more artificial flash light is involved in the creation to create a certain atmosphere, even when the atmosphere is not there. This is big plus for Interior Designer and Architects, while Estate Agents are normally more interested in recreate the atmosphere which is there already.


I came to offer those packages as noticed that the nature of the job is different compare to shoot for Estate Agencies. While an Estate Agent needs a quick and reliable service, Interior Designers, Hotel Managers and Architects are more interested in working at my side to make sure the shots are taken in a certain way, and don't want to be worried about a limited number of photos created, while instead be sure to get all the shots they need, in the way they need them.


Premium Half Day, 350 pounds, (4 hours shoot)


Premium Full Day, 550 pounds, (8 hours shoot, including night/evening shots.)


Eventual Floor Plan charged extra at 0,05 pounds per sq ft.

No limited amount of photos.

Exterior images with drone (where applicable), 50 pounds extra.


Video Packages


Those packages are addressed to the High End Real Estate marketing.

My Video packages are composed of a mix of Still Photography, Clips of Footage, Music, Interview and eventually Drone images.

The possibilities are endless and needed to be discussed and made according to the requests of that particular situation, so it's very hard for me to give a proposal without knowing all the necessary details.


Although, none of my Video is a simple slideshow with any music on the background, but every detail is chosen after a careful selection and many encounter with the clients to listen their thoughts and requests till deliver a final product which they are 100% satisfy with.


To give an idea, I could say my Video Packages starts at 950 Pounds, which also includes a Premium Photo Package, necessary for the video itself.

How it Works

How it Works


Once you become a registered client, you will be able to book an appointment directly by yourself, selecting the desired and available time slot trough the Client Area of the website (


You can register by pressing the button "Book Now" or the "Log In" on the top right of the site. By doing so, you will be ask to Log in or Sign up if you don't have an account yet.

You can sign up using your email, facebook or google account.

Once you will be approved, you will be able to place, amend and cancel a booking, download your photos, and also check at any time your history and account situation selecting the top right button "Log in" (see screen shot below). 


Your photos will be available to be downloaded after the turnaround time, (which is 24 hours for the Economy Photos plus Floor Plan package) and will stay online in your personal area for 30 days.

There will be two folders for each shoot, a Low Resolution (ideal for web) and High Resolution (ideal for printed materials).

After the 30 days, your images will not be in your personal area anymore, but I will keep a safe copy of them in My archive and You will always be able to get back to them upon request.


Despite this being a secure website, no credit card information will be ever asked. You will get an invoice as the job is completed or by the end of the month in which the shoot took place.


After Signing Up for the first time, it might take some time before you will be approved as a registered client and being able to place your first booking, it depends on how busy I am. Either way I will try to get back to you as soon as possible, in 24 hours maximum. Apologise for any inconvenience this might cause.


Terms and Conditions 

(for the full Terms and Conditions pdf, please click here)


Please note that the above prices are estimates based on a shoot in London.

Any shoot outside the London M25, may incur in extra travel expenses.


The turnaround time is 24 hours for the Economy Package, 48 hours for the Premium Package (as it involve much more Post Production) and time to be accorded for the Video, as I normally work on the clients inputs and by having so many options and alternatives to choose from, it might takes a long time before we are absolutely happy with everything.


Finally, all the above are subjected to availability and I cannot take on board anyone. 

I'm a freelance, not an agency. By giving a much more personalised service, I only take the amount of clients I can afford to keep in order to guarantee the quality of the service provided.


Please feel free to Contact me at any time if you wish to find out more about it or have any questions. 

You can easily contact me by pressing the top right button "Contact" which will lead you on my site. 

Alternatively feel free to call me over the phone or by email at the address provided at the bottom of the page.


Thanks again for your interest and your attention,


Enrico Biga

+44 7709 654324

© 2024 ENRICO BIGA photography all rights reserved.
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Certified Drone Pilot

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